9 June 2016

Give up !

What you should do when you feel down ? Feel give up ? Try this . 

  • Stop doing whatever you are doing, and sit down. Breathe slowly and controlled, and think about what it is that gets you down. Be as specific as you can.
  • You need to identify the problem(s).Without a problem you can’t really make a goal, and without a goal you can’t take action. In this case, no action means no mental healing. And that’s what we want, right?
  • Write it down. Make a list of what’s depressing you. Take out a paper and pen, and start writing. It’s that simple. This is done to physically get it “out of your head”. Now you can look at your problems in a more objective way.
  • Think in solutions. Once you have it out of your head and in a different perspective, start thinking about solutions or positive things about what’s bothering you.
  • Take massive action. Do whatever is necessary to solve your problem. You know what to do, now you just need to actually do it. Start now! Occupying your mind with a new hobby or learning something new can help pick your spirits up.


Sometimes you can’t seem to identify a problem, or there are just too many to overcome. In these cases, I advice you to focus more on being happy than anything else. This have to come first, as you will get a whole new outlook when you really feel alive. So follow these 12 tips, and you’ll be up again in no time.

  • Understand that it’s okay to feel sad.Don’t ignore it, just don’t let the feeling take over you.
  • Once you can do that, start focusing on what makes you happy. Do what you enjoy, go see a movie, walk the dog, whatever. And whenever the bad feelings start popping up, acknowledge them, clear your mind, and think about something else. Don’t ever think negative thoughts for more than a few seconds.
  • Again, lists can help you. Write down some of the things that you like to do, and hang them up on your fridge. Do at least one of these things every day. Look forward to it, and enjoy it while you do it.
  • Use fantastic words. If someone asks you how your day was, and you answer with a “fine”, that fine is going to define your day. If you instead tell him that you had a marvellous, amazing or incredible day, that is what your day was or is going to be. Keep this in mind!
  • Think in opportunities. Remember that every failure is one step closer to success.
  • Think about what you really want to do.Maybe this is a golden opportunity to try a new challenge or new direction in your life. If you really always wanted to be a stock broker, a teacher or a marketing guy, check out what you need to do or learn to get there. Enroll at the university, go to evening classes, seek out profesionals in the industry. Whatever it takes, your only limitation is your imagination.
  • Look good. While you feel a little down and depressed, remember to take good care of yourself. It’s much easier to feel sorry for that sad bum in the mirror, than it is to feel the same way about a well groomed, and well dressed young man.
  • Get out. You have probably heard this hundreds of times before, but a little exercise and some fresh air can do wonders for your mood. Be open and positive, and a trip to the park can be amazingly beautiful. Look at the birds in the trees, the couples walking around having a good time.
  • Surround yourself with happy people.Don’t hang around negative types, sooner or later their mood will affect you. Sad but true.
  • Music is medicine for the soul. We all have a favourite band or song, so don’t be afraid to play it! Play it loud, dance around, sing along. Suddenly the burdens on your shoulders seem to lighten a little. Play another wonderful song, and soon they will be far away.
  • Smile. Smiling at yourself or to other people is an instant happiness booster. You could say that you trick the body to think that you are happy, and naturally, you’ll also become happy.
  • Laugh. Just like smiling, laughing is tricking the body and mind to think that you are happier than you are. So put on your favourite show, and laugh – even if it’s not funny.

All this might seem a little too simple and maybe even a little silly, but I will challenge you to do everything described here the next time you feel down and depressed. As my guarantee, if it doesn’t help, I will personally send over a box of cookies.

Stay happy!

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